Articles for You
Helpful, informative, or useful articles for patients to read, from various sources.
- How to Deal With a Grand Mal Seizure
The Do’s and Don’t’s when encountering someone having a Grand Mal Seizure.
- Warning Signs / Symptoms of Brain Aneurysm
Unruptured brain aneurysms are typically completely asymptomatic. These aneurysms are typically small in size, usually less than one half inch in diameter. However, large unruptured aneurysms can occasionally press on the brain or the nerves stemming out of the brain and may result in various neurological symptoms.
- Books & Films
List of books, films, and other multi-media contents about AVM/Aneurysm Survivors and about the conditions.
- Resources for Brain AVM/Aneurysm Survivors
A collection of online resources that are personally chosen for their usefulness in dealing with difficulties that arise as an AVM Survivor (but may be helpful to you even if you are just a tad unorganized or forgetful!).
Arteriovenous Malformation & Aneurysm Link Directory